Tore will not skate the skate-off! He and his skatingclub (Sandefjord Skøiteklubb) think it is totally unfair that he even has to skate a skate-off! His 3th place should be good enough for qualification!!! Furthermore the communication from the Norwegian Skating Union to Solli and his club was not good and the skating union has suddenly set time ''limits' now for the skate-off (Grødum should beat Solli with 4 sec.)
The leader of Sandefjord Skøiteklubb has written an open letter to Vibecke Sørensen, president of the Norwegian Skating union. The letter can be found here (in Norwegian) and on this website.
Øystein Grødum says in a reaction in that he thinks that it's a pity that Solli doesn't want to start in the skate-off anymore. Furthermore he says that he didn't ask for something like this but that he will start and that he indeed was beaten by Solli at the allroundchampionships but that he was faster at all the long distances skated in the Worldcup. He further sees the ECH as a bonus. The WCH distances at the end of the season in Vancouver is his main goal.
The President of the Norwegian Skating federation has placed an answer to the open letter of Sandefjord Skøiteklubb. Translation will follow tomorrow
***new update***
Both letters are now published on this website. A translation in Dutch is made and also published here. Sandefjords Blad has written a new article about the new developments in this case and this article is now published here also, a Dutch translation is available!
Nice posting!